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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
Catching Fire
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The King of Forever

The King of Forever - Kirby Crow I'm going to admit after an eight year gap I had to refresh my memory of what happened in the previous three books in the series. This one picks up a bit after book three. Scarlet is still adjusting to his new environment. More of Liall's people seem to have gotten use to him being there. Liall, himself is adjusting to being king. His time with Scarlet is pretty nonexistent, they're like two ships pasting in the night. There was a bit more of a morbid tone in the book than in the previous ones. Liall is being pressured into accepting marriage to produce a heir and Scarlet doesn't like that at all and just wants Liall to wait until he's no longer around to do it which spurs Liall to want to find a way to prolong Scarlet's life. Scarlet, himself is haunted by dreams and his growing power.

There was a lot of things happening in the book but at the same time it felt like not a lot of progression was occurring. I also feel like I was cheated of a complete story since this book is only eight chapters long and pretty much ended just as I was really getting into it.