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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
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Trusting His Mate

Trusting His Mate - Lissa Ford Last installment to the series and continues a bit after the second installment, Taming His Mate . This time Kristof gets called in for a mission. Leaving Dix in the middle of the night to who knows where. Then Dix gets his own mission from the Syndicate. When he gets a mysterious call from Kristof and hears sounds in the background that alludes that Kristof maybe in the same place Dix himself will have to carry out a mission. Dix has his connection dig up the dirt on Kristof and what he finds terrifies him. Wanting to protect his mate at all costs Dix will do anything in his power even if it means endangering himself.

As a whole the story was spectacular. Finding out about Kristof was just awesome. He was totally badass in my eyes. I wanted to see more moments where he had downtime with Dix but what are we going to do right? Dix was just a big ole lug of sweetness with how far he went to ensure Kristof safety even if it kind of backfired on him.