I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Outlier is a dystopian tale that revolves around eleven individuals. Each chapter gives the pov of one of the ten character (one only gets one chapter) and cycle through each giving readers a how effected these individuals are by the society they live in and how oppressed they are. Minor characters are also seen through the eyes of the character giving readers a different perspective of each character featured in the story.
I enjoyed the book immensely. It does start off quite slow and takes some time to get into but once it starts picking up the chapters just fly by. The world building was intriguing and it was fun piecing together the hierarchy and the type of roles the characters each character was stuck in, what their decisions were in regards to how they felt towards their governing body and what effects it had on them. It was intriguing to read the story through so many characters and see their feelings on their role in society and where their paths will/has lead them.
I did have issues with some characters over others. Kid's story was the most tragic of all and I really was fascinated by her. She was one of the major characters that grew on me and had piqued to continue reading when the pacing of the book was losing me.