Really great read. It was fun learning about the caste system, treatment and benefits each group were entitled to. Hearing and learning about Malcolm's zeds was fascinating. The feelings Malcolm elicit in them and the environment (safe haven) he created for them all spoke of his character. I loved that he had such a great cause to support and lead. Will's behavior sometimes took some getting use to (talking about his fierce temper and easy belief that he's being lied to). I admit at the start of their relationship I though the dynamic weird. Malcolm being a masochist took me for surprise. Will taking the opposite role had me a bit twisted on the inside. It was the first find time I was faced with it in a novel and I thought I would hate. I didn't and it all worked out. The ending was a very nice touch and I'm so glad to see that Will brought so many positive changes to Malcolm's life. I'm really looking forward to the next installment and finding what happens when the whole family puts their will to the cause.