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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
From the Inside Out
Talya Andor


Gideon - Joyee Flynn 1.5 stars

My least favorite of the series. It was a bit of a hot mess. A lot of drama and problems just kept popping up and things just kept getting revealed one after another. Gideon back story was an interesting read but his woe is me attitude was depressing.

Niall felt like a simpleton to me. I think he was suppose to be 21yo in the story but he kind of was acting like a young child. Taye was a jerk and I just couldn't change my image of him even after readers discovered what was going on with him. The way Niall and Taye were acting was eye roll inducing and a bit bipolarish to me. Really I think Ciro was the only character I really liked in the story (beside for the other omega's and their mates).

The dialogue in some passages were pretty bad and sappy. I had to skip through those few paragraphs just to prevent myself from actually gagging.