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Shamrock Lite

Shamrock Lite - Albert Nothlit A copy of this book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 stars

Richard is sixty-two year old man on a trip in Ireland, finally just taking time for himself after the passing of his husband, George. While going about on sightseeing tour, Richard is approached by a man named Brian who compliments his youthful figure. Richard thinks he's full of crap since he's a sixty-two yo, graying, and has a potbelly. Then it gets even more crazy when Richard witnesses Brian talking to the air (or more like arguing with himself). As Richard is trying to make a break for it Brian presents a mirror showing Richard, himself forty years younger, and is roped into helping Brian.

It was a nice simple short read. I liked that Richard was given a second chance at life and love. I was a bit conflicted about how Richard was being treated by Brian since he was pretty much pushed into helping Brian. The dilemma caused by Linora was intriguing and the plan on Richard's part was inventive considering he wasn't given much time to think up anything elaborate.