I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.Readers were first introduced to Gio in
Forever is Now (in chapter 13). This book can probably be read as a standalone but I wouldn't recommend it since it contains spoilers about Alex and Chance's relationship. This book focuses on his life about a year(?) after opening for Armageddon Showdown. Gio is a forty-one year old man going through a messy divorce, trying to fight for partial custody of his ten year old son, trying to make another hit album to help with legal fees and trying to keep up a facade for a reality tv show he gets sucked into. In all this he manages to meet Lance Garrett, whom he finds himself falling for and having to keep a bit of a secret due to the reality show.
I really really like this story and getting to know both Gio and Lance. Lance's back story came as a bit of surprise since he seems liked such a confident person and well put together person with no problems other then the thing with his father when he was in his late teens. The little struggle/concern Gio had about his sexuality was interesting to see and I liked that the author did bring some focus on that.
The build up of their relationship was nicely paced and there was no doubt that the characters were hot for each other. I was a bit bothered by the fact that Gio had to pretend to have a relationship with Kyrie and having to have a kind of secret relationship with Lance. I did like Kyrie and it helped that both him and Gio made it clear that nothing would happen between them.
The implication that Greg had feelings with Kyrie had me wishing readers could have seen what was going to happen with their relationship (can't wait to read book 3, haha..yay!)
The ending was cute and I have to admit for the about a two chapters I was a bit mad at Lance for making the decision he did concerning Gio. It was sweet of him for wanting to protect Gio but it was heartbreaking that he didn't/couldn't see a different solution to his problem.