I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I didn't read the first edition of this series when it was first released so I didn't know what to expect when Tied ended with Cory discovering Ryan and Geoff's relationship. This book picked right up where Tied left off. Cory and Ryan mend their relationship but when the going is getting good, of course, the ugly rears it's head in the form of Geoff's ex-bf. This unexpected crimp causes some ruffles in Ryan and Geoff's newly formed relationship.
I really enjoyed this installment. I loved seeing the softer side of Ryan and Geoff's relationship and just learning more about the two. I loved seeing their interaction and their kinky bedroom scenes along with their quirky little banter between the two. I really liked that Ryan managed to give Geoff experiences he hasn't experienced in quite a while and in turn Geoff gave Ryan new experiences he likely wouldn't be able to afford. There was just a lot o stuff I loved seeing this installment that I won't mention because I don't want to spoil for other potential readers. I would love to see more of Ryan and Geoff (that is if there's another installment). Actually I wouldn't mind seeing a bit of Dylan and his own story.