A free copy of this title was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.
At the start of the book readers meet Michael (Mike) who is nervously pacing outside someone's house getting up the nerves to finally knock on the door so he can make an apology to the last person on his list. Finally working up the courage he does manage to make amends and finds help in the least likely place.
Sebastian (Seb) arrives home to find his roommate and stranger in his kitchen. He knows all about Mike and how he's wronged his roommate, Jamie. But seeing Jamie has forgiven Mike, Seb doesn't try to hold a grudge.
The two are attracted to each other at first sight but don't immediately get together. I liked that some trust was built before they actually got intimate. The two of them had their own issues and it was interesting to see the solutions they found for themselves.
The abuse of Seb's ex with his new beau wasn't dealt with in this story and that kind of bugged me. Kyle really seemed like he needed the help but was just too messed up to ask for it. The ending felt pretty abrupt to me. I turned the page expecting more but ended up with the a list of the author's backlist and the upcoming release of Kyle's story.
The really like the cover and I could stare at it all day.