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Falling for Him

Falling for Him - Kelly Washington A free copy of this book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.

I really don't know where to start with this book. It's told in three parts. and I don't feel like I can summarize the story without giving some major detail away.

As self published story it does have it's editing hiccups. There were times when I was reading the story (especially prominent in part 2) that I felt this was a hot mess. There was just so much suspicion thrown in among the characters. I felt like it was a feeding frenzy between friends, lovers and acquaintances. I think the way the author tried to keep the audience guessing didn't work and just made the story muddled. It just seriously came off as:

with everything that was happening or kept happening (it was a bit repetitive with the kidnapping and threats),

The characters though were very likable. Nebraska's antics were just amusing and I thought cute. Justin nonchalant attitude drew me just because he took everything in and didn't exactly let it bother him. Texas (Aaron) was the romantic soul and I loved reading his love letters to Justin. I thought Justin and Texas's feelings through the letter translated very well and was one of the major draws about the book for me.