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Bewitched Souls

Bewitched Souls - Drako I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.

The flow of the story wasn't as smooth as it could have been. The transition from one scene to the next didnt feel very natural and it left me feeling as if I was missing something everytime. There were some grammar issues that also screwed with the flow of the story and just made the reading come off as funny sounding. Also the story felt a bit quick paced.

Talis and Dions relationship didn't make them seem very close or deeply in love at all so when Talis was willing to set the Chaos dragon free for power to save Dion I just wanted to shake him tell him it was not worth his time. The story overall was entertaining but at the same time I felt it dragged on (weird how that can seeing as I said it was also quicked pace.. but it was). The showdowns with the demons, Shax and Lenora were fun but I thought it could be more decriptive in some ways to better wow readers. The ending was nice but again I didn't feel Talis and Dion had a very loving and trusting relationship. It just didn't come across like that in the story.