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The Trap

The Trap - Al Stewart, Claire Davis A free copy of this book was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

Sal Thompson is in love with Matthew Picard and leaves his village to try out for the position of Matthew's apprentice. Matthew is a well known artist who makes sculptures. After he opened his own gallery? he retires from making pieces therefore enlisting the need of an apprentice to make art.

Sal goes for tryouts hoping to be chosen but after hearing how no other well known artist was picked. He becomes less confident but nonetheless still hopeful that he'll be picked and will bring back Matthew's smile.

The way the story was written and phrasing was different and not all that off putting. It reminded me of English class in High School and College. It was very descriptive in what Sal was feeling towards his art, the reason he left home and his feelings/hopes concerning Matthew. The subtle slow seduction was really well paced and Matthew being drawn like a butterfly to light was significant. Sal being in his own world helped since he wasn't doing it on purpose.

The story really sucked me in and was such a quick read. I really enjoyed and wouldn't mind if Sal and Matthew got another short story.