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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
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The Harvest Young: Bound by Fate

The Harvest Young: Bound by Fate - M.A. Church Love getting to see the gang in this one. I was very curious learning that all the young know who their mates are. I'm even more curious about who Raiden was paired with. Since we knew from Journey End that Szin and Takeo were especially close along with Raiden and Szin.

Moving on, I expected a bit more fight from Szin. Takeo had a pretty strong personality and he was pinging at my pet peeve boundaries. It was enjoyable to see Szin come up with plans to distance himself from Takeo. Takeo having Raiden in his corner and being steps ahead of Szin brought a smile to my face every so often. Their interactions were adorable.

There was a bit of awkwardness for me when it came to Takeo and Szin's sexual life. Their feelings about it too also translated well which added to my awkwardness of reading about it. It was wonderful reading them coming to terms with it and Takeo's doggedness. That they both were more than willing to defend their relationship when there was a posing danger was sweet.