2.5 starsThere were portions of the story where the prose/text was long and boring I wanted the author to get to the point. It was actually a bit confusing at the start and I wasn’t sure what point the author was trying to make.
Barring that, this was an intriguing read. I found Travis Bickle to be amusing. Angelo, the wolf, was so mean though like Travis I didn’t really believe that they were mates and not because the wolf/dog was talking to him and no one else could hear them mind speak. Angelo was kind of a bully and it was childish how he behaved as a wolf/dog and chased off any prospective suitors that popped up. I kind of thought it was also funny and a tad bit sweet.
I was completely thrown off by the orgy. It didn't exactly spell out the typical expected behavior of a mate and love.
A free copy was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.