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Love and Cupcakes

Love and Cupcakes - Kris T. Bethke Had some minor grammatical errors, it could have used a beta read or editor.

A short friends to lovers story. Evan has been in love with his best friend Mac? For a years but the feeling didn’t seem mutual and Evan contents himself with just knowing Mac is in his life. Then Mac calls late one night in a bit of a panic because the bakery supplying his grandfather’s birthday cupcakes won’t be able to. Mac enlists Evan’s help, and Evan being the friend he is agrees under some conditions. Evan never expects Mac to kiss him in-between baking.

No real surprises in the story the blurb pretty much summarizes the whole story but it was a fun story to read and see unfold. Mac and Evan’s interaction was nice. I didn’t expect Mac to be so crass but I guess being a firefighter wording isn’t an issue.