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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
From the Inside Out
Talya Andor

The Plunge

The Plunge - Ruthie Luhnow Told in an omniscient narration. Readers get to know Josh Day and Matt Harper, their backstories, why they behave as they do and their issues. While I was not use to the execution style the author took in writing the story I did find that it worked to project both Josh and Matt's voice and their feelings as well as verify the effects of their action. That being said, I felt this book was drawn out. I did not enjoy the slow build between Matt and Josh. I actually found their interaction to be boring for at least half of the book if not more. I did not find either character to be especially memorable either although they had potential.

Matt not officially breaking up with his girlfriend did not win him any points in my book. He was a cheater and I didn't like that he tried to make excuses for it. He came off too indecisive (something he points out himself) and I felt for someone going into his 30's (he's 28yo) he should have been more put together. Yes, I understand he had to take time to find himself, that he was going through a mini life crisis and the whole draw of his character was that he had to find himself and become his own man instead of a puppet that was getting his strings pulled.

Josh on the other hand, although being almost a decade younger, was Matt's opposite. He had his standards that fell to the wayside due to unfortunate circumstances. He's out and proud, lively although he has his very dark moments and he's been burned exceptionally bad by people he though loved him. His situation with Brian was left unresolved and it kind of left me unsatisfied as did his relationship with his mother and stepfather. I really wish the ending had more of a finishing note than an open ended one.

An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.