An ARC was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.
Blake Bradley and Cal Lindsay had a falling out five years back resulting in the two not keeping touch and going in different directions. Blake went on to become a famous country music star and Cal gave up music and took over his father’s bar. When Blake blows into town on route or his tour, he stops into to check on Cal and try to make amends. The feeling from five years ago comes back to the surface and the two men remember the pain that resulted from their last meeting. Blake offers Cal a piece offering and even a chance to perform on the last legs of the tour, leaving Cal to make the choice to reconcile their relationship.
Cal and Blake were interesting characters. There was nice relationship development between Cal and Blake, interaction among the band members and the discord between the members. I liked that there was a focus on how much hard work being in a band could be. The insecurities that plagued Blake added another nice layer to his character. Cal’s hardworking personality was attractive to me and I liked that he lived quite a simple life.
I enjoyed reading how supportive some of the band members where of Blake and their acceptance of Cal. Rhett was a little annoying to me but even though he was being a jerk, he didn’t really inspire any hate. His threats to Blake and the future of the plan was a jerk thing to do. I did enjoy reading about how everything turned out for him when he carried through with his threat.