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STRANDS - Hollis Shiloh A free copy was given to me in exchange for an honest review.

I'm going to go ahead and say that the books probably should be read in order although readers get just enough to get by about each character to get what is happening and why to the characters. That being said I really hadn't read the other stories in the book and I found myself just a tad confused. I couldn't really keep track of all the characters since I didn't know them since I hadn't read their stories in the other books in the series. A bit of a mistake on my part, considering the story is told in alternating POVs.

That being said I did still enjoy the story when I stepped back and stopped overthinking about who was who. Right off the bat readers get sucked in by Gareth's situation. In fact, for me, his POV and situation was the main foci of the book and I found I wanted to know more about him and his relationship with Silus. Readers get tidbits about their situation and relationship along with updates about other characters and their involvement with Gareth. When I finished the book I was wishing would have a full length novel just for them.

I was intrigued by the world the author built and will most probably go check out the other books in the series just to learn more about it and the characters.