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Brotherhood of Man

Brotherhood of Man - Jerry Cole The third book I've read by this author and it feels as if his stories are getting better and better. So far I think this is my favorite book by this author. I liked that readers had the chance to get to know the characters some which made it easier to understand their standpoint.

It's quite tame for about three-fourths of the book but that doesn't matter because getting to know Chris, Antoine, Sebastian, their friendship and interaction and getting tidbits about their time in the service really makes reading the story fly by. There was nice comical relief before the story could get suffocating from the grieving these guys showed from losing a friend. I loved the camaraderie.

I think the only issue I had was how Chris and Sebastian's relationship progressed. It felt a bit rush and I wasn't completely buying that Chris had always had a thing for Sebastian and it only came to light when Sebastian finally came out to him.

A free copy was provided to me in exchange for an honest review.