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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
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Romancing the Wrong Twin (Dreamspun Desires Book 21)

Romancing the Wrong Twin (Dreamspun Desires Book 21) - Clare London I couldn't get into it which has never happened when I've read a book by this author. Zeb totally rubbed me the wrong way as did Aiden. I didn't like that Aiden was a pushover and that he never fought for anything he wanted but it as something he thought on. Zeb was supportive but for him to exploit his brother to help cover the blind date was just too much for me. It didn't feel like a brotherly thing to do and he even managed to talk Aiden into it knowing Aiden was a pushover. Dom also was too gruff and arrogant in portions of the read. I just couldn't....also add to it that the buildup was slow going.

I only got to chapter eleven before giving it up.