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Goblins, Book One
Melanie Tushmore
Catching Fire
Suzanne Collins
From the Inside Out
Talya Andor
One from Column A One from Column B - Diana Sheridan 2.5 stars

An okay read. The story consists mostly of Trent going over his dating history and what caused him to be dateless during all his New Year Eve's. For his present New Years he's decided to spend it alone and after finding nothing he'll want to eat at home he decided to go out for Chinese food. It's there in the Chinese restaurant that he meets Taylor.

Believe it or not, not all Asian's who work in a Chinese restaurant have accents or are non-English speakers and even if they spoke English, it would have been even more broken up than fluent. The dialogue with Charlie (or was it Charles?) could have been omitted since it's not really too important to the story. Some may also take offense to "oriental" or "orient" ...not terms I'm used to hearing.